Friday, February 18, 2011


30s Tips To Get Good Grades

1. Always do extra credit. It can save your grade if you fall short on homework or tests, and even if you did well it will help your GPA later on.
2. If you are not happy with your grade, ask the teacher what you can do to make it better.

3. Ask the teacher if you can sit somewhere else if you are having a hard time paying attention in class.
4. Ask lots of questions in class! This will clear up anything you're unsure on and possibly give you new information to spice up a paper, and participating actively in class can actually raise your grade!

5. In math if you see a problem you don't know how to do, or didn't understand, write it down and look it up when you get home. When the test comes around those problems will be very useful.
6. Organize your work area. Make sure everything is neat and you can find it easily. As any college student will tell you, working in an untidy environment will only lead to distraction. Make sure you have all of the supplies you need for class.
7. Don't be ashamed of being smart or needing a tutor. Tons of smart kids get picked on, but being smart always pays off in the end. Also, don't be afraid to get a tutor because it doesn't mean you aren't smart. It just means you need a little help and that you are learning at a right pace for you, which is perfectly okay. Some teachers will even recommend tutors and add to your grade for getting tutoring: if they do this, be sure to get the tutoring! A couple extra points to your grade can never hurt.
8. It's not about how long you study, its about how well you study. Skimming a book for five hours doesn't help as much as reading your notes and the book for two hours.
9. Stay focused on the goal.
10. When taking tests, you have to relax. Easier said than done? Remember - you have all of the answers in your head already! The only challenge is getting them out! Your first instinct is nearly always correct. Don't go back and change answers. If you are really not sure, skip it and come back later.
11. If you're uncertain about the wording of a test question, go and ask the teacher what they mean! As long as you don't flat out ask for the answer to a question, just what they meant by the question, they will usually answer.
12. Use your time wisely. If you are given an hour to complete a 120 question test, that's 30 seconds per question. 30 seconds can be made into a lot of time. Many of the questions will take far less than 30 seconds, so apply the balance to a tougher question. Don't think too deeply on the time, and don't let yourself get distracted by the ticking of the clock.
13. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask the teacher! You have the right to learn. Plus, they'll be happy to help you. Also remember that you're smart if you ask questions.
14. Do not procrastinate. Don't do a project the night before or on the morning of. If it seems like a huge project, then break it into little steps and do a couple per day. Or, find a partner to work with, if your teacher allows it, and split the work between you two.
15. Don't cram right before a test. Study well in advance. This will allow you the luxury of breaks between study sessions and to study with friends once in awhile.
16. Study with a friend as much as possible. Plan a weekend study session, or weekday sessions and help each other. This tends to work best when you are in the same class and not just with the same teacher - one class can be further ahead than the other.
17. Look to the future, and make sure you see what the benefits of actually studying are.
18. Sometimes it helps if you reward yourself. if you've gotten good grades, take a day off of studying. Just don't slacken too much.
19. Having small goals also helps. Your goals should climb to improvement: a C+ to a B-, a B- to a B+, a B+ to an A-, and finally an A. Aiming for an A right away leaves you feeling unrewarded and makes your goal seem unreachable.
20. Read from the text book (if you have one). There are sometimes things in there that the teacher didn't mention or you didn't hear.
21. Always follow instructions on assignments, tests, math problems, etc.! It may not seem necessary sometimes, but reading the instructions beforehand is crucial.
22. Set a study schedule. May seem overrated but it actually works. Give yourself 15-20 minutes to wind if you feel stressed from school, unless you can stay in *school mode* right after you get home. Do not save your homework for 9 p.m.
23. Remove all distractions. Although it may be okay to listen to music or leave the TV on while doing simple work, it is best to be in a quiet environment, preferably alone. Make sure you have plenty of space and good lighting.
24. For new college students coming out of high school, it helps to not become overwhelmed. The work is not any more difficult, there's just more of it. Break large assignments down into sub components, divide and conquer.
25. Keep a small notepad or even loose paper will do. Write down any and all assignments, due dates, and have a check box next to each one. If it helps, break things down into as many smaller components as possible. Instead of taking on large tasks, the more things you can accomplish and check off, the more refreshed you will be and you will maintain a better outlook toward the assignments.
26. Study for one subject at a time, you'll get better grades that way. It's better to make sure you know one subject really well and then move onto the next when you study, than go into an exam with a basic knowledge of all of your subjects.
27. Rely on good sources. Wikipedia works well a majority of the time despite some of the flack it receives. A bad source might give you inappropriate information and the information might be wrong.
28. Study even if you do not have a test until a week or so, if you study a night before you will be nervous and not do close to as good. Study your notes and vocabulary also because you never know what will be on the test.
29. Don't feel bad if you didn't get the grade that you wanted. There will likely be more opportunities in the future. Just persevere and believe that you can do it! Don't let anyone bring you down!
30. Always have positive attitude & positive mind-set.

Prepared by : NEOH CHAN WEI


  1. dr. i choose no

    9. Stay focused on the goal.
    30. Always have positive attitude & positive mind-set.

    both ini sgt penting!!!

  2. Tahniah Nad...Betul 9 & 30 the most basic things..Pengalaman mengajar kita. TKasih.

  3. Saya rasa pelajar masih segan-segan nak buat..kurang aktif masa kelas. Luar? entahlah.

  4. Terima kasih banyak-banyak Dr. Semua info amat berguna untuk kami.

  5. salam dr. macam mana nak dapatkan tutor?
