Thursday, January 28, 2010

022 - to improved your learning

1 Pay more attention in Class/Studio briefing 27.6%
2 Upgrade confident/self esteem 13.8%
3 Doing more references/reading 12.1%
4 Change attitude from lazy to hardworking 10.3%
6 Proper time management 6.9%
7 Improve communication skill 6.9%
8 Develop more interest about the course 5.2%
9 Improve language 5.2%
10 Be more patient 3.4%
12 Get support/motivated 3.4%

021 - The Most Important Reason Why Student don’t get A's in their Assignment/Projectwork

1 Doing last minute work 17.2%
2 Student don’t understand/Lack of lateral thinking 15.5%
3 Not Concentrate during briefing/don’t ask question 12.1%
4 Waste too much time 10.3%
5 Don’t give full commitment (to group) 10.3%
6 Works Too heavy 8.6%
7 Laziness 6.9%
8 Doing other thing during study hour- Facebook, Chatting & Internet 5.2%
9 High Demand from the Lecturer 3.4%
10 Language barrier 3.4%
11 Lack/hard to find information 3.4%
12 Not Clear with The Profession/Program 1.7%
13 Afraid with lecturer 1.7%

020 - Pelan Hala Tuju Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP)

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada 28 Jan 2010 melancarkan Pelan Hala Tuju Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) yang disifatkan sebagai satu kesimpulan daripada hasrat rakyat.Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP-Government Transformation Program) diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak pada bulan April 2009, dan akan diterajui oleh beliau. Dua objektif GTP adalah – pertama, untuk mentransformasikan kerajaan agar menjadi lebih efektif dalam penyampaian perkhidmatan dan bertanggungjawab atas keberhasilan yang menjadi keutamaan kepada rakyat; dan kedua, memacu Malaysia ke arah melahirkan masyarakat yang maju, bersatu-padu dan saksama dengan standard kehidupan yang tinggi untuk semua. Ini sejajar dengan misi nasional ke arah mencapai Wawasan 2020 – untuk Malaysia mencapai status negara maju sepenuhnya.
Enam NKRA (National Key Result Areas) telah dikenalpasti untuk menuju ke arah transformasi Kerajaan dan ianya adalah:
1.Mengurangkan Jenayah.
2.Membanteras Rasuah.
3.Mempertingkatkan Pencapaian Pelajar.
4.Mempertingkatkan Taraf Kehidupan Isirumah Berpendapatan Rendah.
5.Mempertingkatkan Infrastruktur Asas Luar Bandar.

6.Mempertingkatkan Pengangkutan Awam Bandar.

2010 A New Milestone For Rural And Regional Development Ministry
Ditulis oleh BERNAMA Isnin, 25 Januari 2010 14:46
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 (Bernama) -- The year 2010 is a significant year for the Rural and Regional Development Ministry as the ministry will be implementing the National Key Result Areas (NKRA) agenda. The NKRA, announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last July covers six core areas with the task to improve rural infrastructure and amenities entrusted with the ministry and its Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal. The remaining five NKRA cores are improving the standard of living of low wage earners, reducing crime, eradicating corruption, improving access to education of quality and improving the public transportation system all in the medium term.

And for each of the core areas, the respective minister will be leading the efforts.


As for the rural NKRA, there are four sub-NKRA given focus namely Connecting Roads, Rural Water Supply, Rural Electricity Supply and the Household Aid Programme.

Mohd Shafie pointed out, comparatively, the Rural-NKRA has been the most challenging one with the biggest allocation amounting to almost RM17 billion and the implementation process is set to take a long time.

If seen from the enormous work involved and the short time frame, each one of the sub-NKRA calls for greater efforts and commitment from the ministry's employees.

"However, under the NKRA, the duration is much shorter about three years only where we will be building 1,500km of rural roads, that is four times longer," he said in his new year message to the employees of the ministry.

Other than the NKRA, also from 2010, the ministry will launch Minister Key Result Area (MKRA) with three sub focus areas - improving the livelihood of smallholders, entrepreneur development and Orang Asli community development.


Meanwhile, more than 25 per cent of the allocation under 9MP have yet to be utilised. This indirectly indicates that there are a number of projects yet to be completed. The total allocation for the ministry under 9MP is RM16.47 billion, a staggering figure. Up to Dec 31, 2009, which also marks the end of 9MP period, about RM12.07 billion or 73 per cent of the total amount has been utilised and the ministry has started to prepare for the 10th MP.


Other than the focus for the projects under the NKRA, human capital and entrepreneurial development are also given emphasis to meet the goals of making Malaysia a high wage economy.

In focusing on NKRA and the three sub focus areas under MKRA, the Rural Development Master Plan is being drafted to serve as a comprehensive guideline for the coming 10 years, culminating in the goals of Vision 2020.

This master plan determines the direction of rural development and serves as the guideline for related agencies in implementing development. The master plan that is expected to be ready by September 2010 is to integrate new development policies with the existing ones including decisions of the Cabinet.

Fields of Action for Planners....More Energetic & Dynamic Growth.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

019 - A Model Suburban Village

Hancunhe: A Model Suburban Village
How a poor village on the outskirts of Beijing becomes the prototype for a new and wealthy "modern countryside"

Some principal to Create Suburban Neighbourhood

Principle for Creating Neighborhood Identity
Establishing and preserving identity relies on a commonly held neighborhood
image and the qualities that make it distinct. Concept plan recommends
the following physical improvements, in coordination with neighborhood associations.
• Neighborhood gateway markers.
• Traffic calming on residential streets, if desired, and located with input from neighborhoods.
• Enhanced street lighting (maintain existing, supplement when appropriate).
• Street trees.
• Architectural compatibility for new residential initiatives.
• Adequate landscape buffering between residential and non-residential development.
• Rehabilitation or infill of existing single family, or new residential development, around neighborhood villages
• Provide new residential development opportunities, where appropriate, to allow a diverse population and market segment to be part of the neighborhood fabric.

Principle for Establish Neighborhood Connection
The principle of neighborhood connection involves a strategy to link residents
among and within neighborhoods, along the corridor, and with other neighborhood
villages. The concept plan recommends:
• Physical connection enhancement through sidewalks, pedestrian, and bike
• trails.
• Sidewalks should be maintained and extended throughout neighborhoods
• Program and policy connections, such as partnering to ensure that transit opportunities meet the needs of the community, as redevelopment initiatives become a reality.

018 - Suburban Village-Fields of Action for Planners

1 Upgrading the infrastructure and social facilities
2 Needs to preserve the village characteristic
3 Improve local economy and income
4 Focus on quality of life
5 More modern development
6 Neighbourhood Centre
7 Public Open Space - Landscaping
8 Design Pedestrian Walking
9 Village Revitalisation
10 Waterfront Village
11 Model Village
12 Modern Housing - Vertical & Compact
13 Commercial - Established Famous Seafood restaurant
14 New Employment Centre
15 Homestay
16 New Commercial building
17 Suburban Village Concept
18 Readjustment Scheme
19 Ecology Conservation
20 Replotting Housing Lots
21 Tradisional Cultural Village
22 Forest parks
23 Upgrading Community Facilities
24 Social Village
25 Redevelopment
26 Rehabilitation
27 Resettlement

........Be rational...Be practical.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

017 - Suburban Village is our heritage.. our asset.

Let's Appreciate....Some photos to to justify...

Monday, January 4, 2010

016 - Rebakan Pembandaran & Suburban Village (Kampung Pinggir Bandar)

Petempatan kampung yang terletak di pinggir bandar dalam wilayah membangun pesat kian dihimpit oleh rebakan pembandaran. Sebahagiannya mengalami perubahan identiti dan lenyap dalam arus kepesatan pembangunan terancang. Kajian-kajian di luar negara mengenalpasti impak yang pelbagai dari aspek fizikal dan bukan fizikal akibat dari rebakan pembandaran tetapi fokus impak yang dikaji adalah lebih secara umum terutama dalam aspek guna tanah atau pembangunan kawasan pinggir bandar secara keseluruhannya. Namun apa yang penting fokus perlu diberikan dengan lebih spesifik, impak yang dialami oleh penduduk kampung pinggir bandar disebabkan oleh fenomena rebakan pembandaran. Ini penting bagi membentuk parameter perancangan untuk kampung pinggir bandar terutama yang melibatkan program penempatan semula penduduk, peningkatan kemudahan, mahupun pembangunan semula kawasan. Kajian-kajian menggunakan indeks pengaruh pembandaran bagi menentukan indikator impak aspek fizikal, sosioekonomi dan sosiobudaya perlu diberi perhatian. Kajian terdahulu mendapati kesan ketara adalah pengurangan bilangan jenis rumah kampung, dan pengurangan pemilikan rumah sendiri, dihadapi oleh kebanyakan kampung. Penemuan lebih terperinci mendapati rebakan pembandaran memberi impak lebih ketara kepada aspek bukan fizikal daripada aspek fizikal. Tahap kualiti perumahan dan kemudahan fizikal dalam kawasan kajian adalah rendah dan ini mempengaruhi kualiti hidup penduduk secara keseluruhannya. Faktor jarak petempatan dari sempadan bandar didapati merupakan penentu utama impak. Rebakan pembandaran memberikan kesan lebih positif kepada aspek fizikal seperti kemudahan sosial yang baik, berbanding aspek sosioekonomi ataupun sosiobudaya. Rebakan pembandaran juga memberi impak ke atas peningkatan masalah sosial seperti jenayah, kecurian dan penagihan dadah di petempatan tertentu. Bagi memastikan petempatan kampung pinggir bandar tidak berterusan menerima tekanan pembangunan, dasar perancangan yang lebih komprehensif bagi pembangunan luar bandar diperlukan. Pewilayahan petempatan luar bandar merupakan parameter perancangan ke arah peningkatan kualiti hidup penduduk luar bandar melalui pembentukan pembangunan mampan/lestari yang dinamik. Kawalan rebakan pembandaran dapat dibuat melalui pembentukan wilayah baru gabungan ciri-ciri tipologi bandar-luar bandar sebagai kawasan peralehan/‘intermediate areas’. Pembentukan wilayah ini boleh meluaskan potensi pembangunan kawasan pinggir bandar bagi menggantikan sempadan bandar yang rigid. Kelemahan bidang perancangan bandar dalam mengintegrasikan hubungkait antara aspek fizikal dan bukan fizikal bagi peningkatan kehidupan penduduk yang lebih baik perlu disedari. Fokus perancangan bandar perlu disemak semula ke arah mengubal strategi pembangunan yang lebih menyeluruh berkaitan dengan keperluan meluas perancangan wilayah dan luar bandar. Ini boleh memupuk ke arah kaedah merancang yang lebih holistik dalam profession perancangan bandar dan wilayah.